Thursday Tip with Hali - Looking back on 2021

Thursday Tip // Looking back on 2021

ID: A close up of a standard orange pencil with the words “Full of good ideas” written in black ink along the side. The inspiration for one of our WS exclusive labels. End

Last week marked one year of Thursday Tips which also means it’s been about a year since I (Hali) started working alongside Katherine at Winnipeg Sews.

At the time we officially met, I had just gotten into garment sewing, had printed a few patterns through WS and had already made my own big career shift; starting a pattern drafting/textiles course and a crash course in starting a small business. I decided pretty quickly that going it alone wasn’t my jam so I reached out to Katherine and the rest is history! She took a real chance on me and I so appreciate how we have grown as a team and worked our butts off to get to where we are today. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else right now and that’s just a treat. We are full of good ideas and we can’t wait to see what 2022 brings!

Here’s to a NEW YEAR, new goals and more sewing! Tell us in the comments what your 2022 sewing goals are or what topics you would like to see us cover for Thursday Tips next. We love to hear from you!