Posts tagged thursday tips
Thursday Tip with Hali - How to wind a bobbin

If you’ve been sewing for a long time, you’ve probably never thought twice about how to wind a bobbin. But did you know that if you wind it at high speed the thread can actually stretch out and affect your stitch quality?!

All purpose polyester thread has a bit of stretch which allows it to withstand some pressure when putting that garment on. If you wind your bobbin at high speed the thread is pulled faster and stretches, causing it to wind unevenly. When you sew, the bobbin thread has a chance to relax in the seam making it look wavy or have small loops on the underside which can be confused as a tension problem when really it’s a bobbin winding problem.

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Thursday Tip with Hali - What is COTTON?

Breathable, durable, versatile, crisp, hardwearing. These are just some of the ways you could describe cotton fabrics. Cotton is an extremely versatile fibre, especially when blended with other fibres to create a myriad of beautiful fabrics for many different sewing applications. Cotton is pervasive in the textile world but its production has a sordid history and it’s no secret that cotton requires a lot of water for both its crop and the many manufacturing processes required to get the fibres from boll to finished textile.

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Thursday Tip with Hali - Seam Allowance

When you learn something new you will undoubtedly come across terms and concepts that you’ve never seen before or may have heard of before but never really understood. Learning to sew is no different! There’s tons of new vocabulary to learn and that’s why we are here. We really hope this series of tips give you beginner sewists some confidence to start your first project or keep plugging away at that new thing you are tackling. This week we discuss the term “seam allowance” and why it is important for sewing success!

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Thursday Tip with Hali - What is a grainline?

If you are just getting into sewing you may have seen the term “grainline” floating around and showing up on almost every pattern piece you work with. It is typically marked by a long straight line with an arrow on each end. The grainline indicates how you should position the pattern piece on the fabric. For pattern pieces cut on the fold the grainline is the “cut on fold” line with arrows indicating which edge is placed on the fold. If you are new to this term and aren’t sure why grainlines are important then read on, my friend.

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Thursday Tip with Hali - Looking back on 2021

Last week marked one year of Thursday Tips which also means it’s been about a year since I (Hali) started working alongside Katherine at Winnipeg Sews. At the time we officially met, I had just gotten into garment sewing, had printed a few patterns through WS and had already made my own big career shift; starting a pattern drafting/textiles course and a crash course in starting a small business. I decided pretty quickly that going it alone wasn’t my jam so I reached out to Katherine and the rest is history!

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One Year of Thursday Tips - Your Top 5!

Wow! We can’t believe it’s been a whole year of these weekly posts. Swipe to see YOUR TOP 5 TIPS! Based on likes, shares, and saves, we collected five of our most popular tips from the past year. Most of all, thank you for following along, being a part of our community and telling others about us! We have grown so much despite the challenges of this year and we are forever grateful.

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