Thursday Tip with Hali - Bobbin Storage

Thursday Tip // Bobbin storage

Just a fun tidbit for you today! I had no idea people were so creative when it came to bobbin storage. I’ve had the same little bobbin box I got when I first started garment sewing a few years ago but now I’m thinking I might need to try some of these ideas!

ID: a clear plastic box with multi coloured bobbins.

ID: a clear plastic box with multi coloured bobbins.

I found so many unique ideas for how to store bobbins. They can be so pesky sometimes, always dropping on the floor, constantly unravelling but as a very necessary part of sewing you just gotta deal and figure out what works for you and your space. 

I think it comes down to how many bobbins you have, how often you switch thread colours and how much space you have for storage/display. I like my little box because, personally, I use only a few bobbins in rotation and my small box fits nicely in the drawer where I keep my thread. I try to use up half empty bobbins on projects that don’t require matching thread or when I am basting something together to check the fit. Sewing masks it a great way to use up those extra threads as well. I like to have a full bobbin when I start a project so using up those half empty ones allows me to keep a couple empty bobbins available for new projects and I just continue rotating them in this way. This is just how I like to sew so it works for me.

If you are looking for a different solution for your bobbins, check out the photos below!

Here are just a few different ideas for bobbin storage. Have you tried any of these methods? If you have a different way of doing things, let us know in the comments. We would love to hear your ingenious ideas!